January 2022 VHF contest.
Operated as KI7OFL/R (Rover).
Started on A Mountain in Tucson Arizona (DM42). 2m, 70cm, 6m, FT8 6m. No takers on 222.
Moved up the road to Picacho, Stanfield, Maricopa, Sacaton as I worked four grids in a close area. Sunset pic again this year at the Sacaton rest stop off I-10.
F150 loaded up with radio's - Laptop for logging and FT8 on 6m, Yaesu 3000 for 6m FT8 and SSB, IC-705 for GPS and Grid data, Yaesu 857d for 2m and 70cm. Kenwood D-74a for 222fm points.
Good time, exhausting as I worked by myself for about 14hrs.
Antenna stack was 222 sitting up top, 6m Moxon (will replace with a beam next contest), 2m beam, 70cm beam.